A collaborative symposium between the

UP College of Dentistry and the

Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya

February 7, 2024

UP College of Dentistry Auditorium

Pedro Gil corner Taft Avenue,

Ermita, Manila

8 AM to 5 PM

Registration starts at 7 AM

For inquiries and details, please contact

Dr. Armin Segarra

09175305861 (thru SMS or Viber)

Messenger (Armin Segarra)

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“Is SDF the Silver Bullet in Caries Management?”

Dr. Maria Jacinta Rosario “Maja” H. Romero

PhD in Dental Sciences (Cariology), Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Asst. Prof, UP College of Dentistry

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“Optimal Timing for Orthodontic Treatment to Maximize Treatment Effects

Dr. Zamri Radzi

Dean and Professor

University of Malaya, Faculty of Dentistry

“Management of Patients with Special Needs

Dr. Maryani Mohamed Rohani

DClinDent, Special Needs Dentistry (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Lecturer, University of Malaya, Faculty of Dentistry

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“Occlusion in Removable Prosthodontics

Dr. Ziti Fauzza Ahmad

MSc in Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics, Glasgow Scotland

PhD, University of Malaya

Senior Lecturer, University of Malaya, Faculty of Dentistry

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“Comprehensive Tooth Wear Management:

Navigating Strategies for Long-Term Oral Health

Dr. Azwatee Abdul Aziz

BDS, Univ. of Adelaide; MClin Dent in Prosthodontics, Univ College London; PhD, Universiti Malaya

Associate Professor, University of Malaya, Faculty of Dentistry

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“Medical Emergencies: Controlling Hemorrhage During Surgical Procedures

Dr. Elmer Jesus T. Escoto

Asst. Prof, UP College of Dentistry

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Is SDF the Silver Bullet in Caries Management?

Dr. Maria Jacinta Rosario H. Romero

Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a minimally invasive and inexpensive topical agent that is ​effective for the management of dentin hypersensitivity, caries arrest as well as the prevention ​of pit and fissure and root caries. Some countries have already been using it for decades but ​international interest and research on SDF has increased just more recently. The American ​Dental Association’s evidence-based clinical practice guidelines recommend the use of 38% SDF ​for the non-operative treatment of cavitated caries lesions. SDF contains silver and fluoride ​ions that act synergistically and lead to caries arrest and prevention. With its effectiveness and ​minimal risk besides the dark discoloration as well as its uncomplicated application, some have ​viewed SDF as a “silver bullet” in caries management. This presentation will elaborate on the ​current evidence on SDF’s mechanisms of action, indications and contraindications, and clinical ​application and elucidate if SDF is indeed the magical solution for the global dental caries ​problem.

Optimal Timing for Orthodontic Treatment to Maximize Treatment Effects

Professor Zamri Radzi

This presentation will address a critical aspect of orthodontic care that significantly influences ​treatment outcomes. Timing plays a pivotal role in orthodontics, impacting the efficiency and ​effectiveness of interventions. This presentation aims to elucidate the importance of strategic ​timing in orthodontic treatment and its profound implications on patient outcomes.

The discussion will encompass the developmental stages of dentition, focusing on the key periods ​when orthodontic interventions can exert maximal influence on skeletal and dental structures. The ​presentation will delve into the biological basis behind these critical periods, exploring the ​responsiveness of tissues to orthodontic forces and the potential for long-term stability.

Furthermore, the speaker will highlight the significance of early orthodontic assessments to ​identify and address potential issues before they escalate, contributing to a proactive and ​preventive approach. By examining case studies and evidence-based research, the presentation will ​underscore the impact of optimal timing on treatment duration, patient compliance, and overall ​treatment success.

Orthodontic practitioners, educators, and researchers will benefit from gaining insights into the ​temporal dynamics of orthodontic treatment. Ultimately, this presentation seeks to empower ​orthodontic professionals with the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding treatment ​timing, thus optimizing patient outcomes and ensuring long-term oral health and stability.

Management of Patients with Special Needs

Dr. Maryani Mohamed Rohani

Patients in Special Care Dentistry (SCD) include adult individuals from age 16 years and above with ​compromised access to oral health care due to physical, sensory, intellectual, mental, medical ​impairment, or disability or a combination of these factors. The provision of dental care and ​treatment utilises a holistic approach for the best interest of the patient.

What are the factors to be considered, how do we decide on the treatment plans, how should we ​proceed with the treatment, is there any preparation to be done prior seeing the patients, or when ​to refer to a specialist? These are some of the questions that dentists may ask. This lecture will ​emphasise the importance of evaluating patients’ oral health needs and each unique characteristics ​of patients with special needs (eg. Autism spectrum disorders, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, ​Parkinson, Alzheimer, etc) thus enable dentists to plan dental care of patient with special needs.

Occlusion in Removable Prosthodontics

Dr. Ziti Fauzza Ahmad

Dental occlusion in removable prosthodontics, particularly dentures, presents complex challenges ​for dental academicians and practitioners. Achieving an optimal occlusal relationship demands a ​nuanced understanding of factors such as occlusal stability, vertical dimension, and centric ​relation. However, the dynamic nature of patient-specific variables adds layers of intricacy to this ​endeavour. One notable challenge lies in the individualised anatomy of edentulous patients. ​Variations in jaw morphology, tooth arrangement, and residual ridge anatomy contribute to the ​difficulty of establishing a harmonious occlusion. A patient with severe resorption of the ​mandibular ridge may present distinct challenges in achieving stable occlusion compared to a ​patient with more favourable ridge anatomy.

The absence of natural teeth alters occlusal forces and patterns during mastication, impacting the ​load-bearing capacity of removable dentures. Understanding the altered distribution of forces in ​edentulous patients may prompt specific occlusal adjustments to enhance denture stability and ​overall functionality. Technological advancements, such as digital occlusal analysis tools, offer ​potential solutions to enhance precision in occlusal adjustments. However, integrating these tools ​into dental education and practice requires a commitment to staying informed about evolving ​methodologies. Dental academicians face the challenge of imparting theoretical knowledge and ​practical skills in utilising modern technologies for occlusal refinement. Patient adaptation to ​dentures involves subjective experiences, including comfort, speech, and overall acceptance. A ​denture that achieves optimal occlusion biomechanically may still face challenges if the patient ​experiences discomfort or struggles with speech, emphasising the need for a holistic approach to ​occlusal management.

The challenges of dental occlusion in removable prosthodontics demand a multifaceted approach ​from dental academicians. Addressing individualised anatomy, incorporating technological ​advancements, and navigating the delicate balance between biomechanics and patient experiences ​are crucial aspects of teaching and practising practical occlusal management in removable ​dentures.

Comprehensive Tooth Wear Management:

Navigating Strategies for Long-Term Oral Health

Dr. Azwatee Abdul Aziz

Background: Tooth wear, a multifactorial condition arising from attrition, abrasion, and erosion, ​poses a significant challenge in modern dentistry. Its prevalence has increased, partly due to ​lifestyle changes and dietary habits. Effective tooth wear management is crucial to prevent ​functional impairment, preserve aesthetics, and ensure long-term oral health. Moreover, as an ​intricate interplay of chemical, mechanical, and biological factors, tooth wear demands a ​comprehensive approach for effective intervention.

Objective: This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of tooth wear aetiology, ​diagnosis, and management strategies. Focused on practical and evidence-based approaches, the ​presentation will guide dental professionals in implementing tailored interventions for diverse ​patient cases.

Conclusion: Effective management of tooth wear necessitates a multidimensional approach, ​integrating preventive measures and tailored restorative interventions. This presentation equips ​dental professionals with the knowledge and tools to diagnose, treat, and monitor tooth wear ​comprehensively. By addressing the multifaceted nature of tooth wear, practitioners can enhance ​patient outcomes, preserve tooth structure, and promote long-term oral health.

Medical Emergencies: Controlling Hemorrhage during Surgical Procedures

Dr. Elmer Jesus T. Escoto

On occasion, the dentist will get patients who are at risk for bleeding, either they have a medical ​condition that directly affects their ability for hemostasis or they may be taking medications that ​increase their risk for bleeding. The lecture intends to give some causes of bleeding, how to minimize ​the risk for bleeding and the options on how to manage bleeding when it occurs.


Maria Jacinta Rosario H. Romero, DDM, PhD

Dr. Maja Romero holds a PhD in Dental Science from the Department of ​Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. She ​has presented and published numerous research works in the field of ​Cariology, dental erosion, silver diamine fluoride, fluoride and saliva. She ​was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Research Faculty) under Dr. Frank ​Lippert at the Department of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Dental Public

Health, Indiana University School of Dentistry, where she also served as a teaching assistant, ​lecturer and instructor. At present, she is an Assistant Professor in Cariology and Operative ​Dentistry at the University of the Philippines where she graduated in 2006. She ranked no. 1 in ​the Dentistry Licensure Exam in 2007 and completed the Externship Program in Hospital Dentistry ​at the UP-PGH in 2009.

Professor Dr. Zamri Radzi

Professor Dr. Zamri Radzi, currently serving as the Dean of the Faculty of ​Dentistry at the University of Malaya as well as the Chairman of the ​Malaysian Dental Deans' Council. He obtained his specialist degree in ​Orthodontics from the University of Leeds, UK, and holds additional specialist ​qualifications from reputable institutions, including memberships from the ​Royal College of Surgeons of England and Edinburgh. Additionally, he earned ​a Fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and a Doctorate ​degree from the University of Oxford.

His extensive involvement in academia includes designing the Orthodontic Specialist Programme at ​the University of Malaya and serving as an examiner for prestigious examinations. In his clinical ​role, he focuses on a multidisciplinary approach, particularly in craniofacial and orthodontic ​treatment. He established successful clinics, such as the University of Malaya Combined Cleft ​Palate Clinic, showcasing expertise in treating multidisciplinary cases.

His research endeavors span both fundamental and applied research, with significant ​achievements in areas like biopolymers and innovative dental technologies. As an innovator, he ​holds multiple patents and has received numerous awards, including the Excellent Scientist from ​the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. His long-standing service and administrative excellence ​were acknowledged with the 'UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA BEST ADMINISTRATOR AWARD' in 2018.

Dr. Maryani Binti Mohamed Rohani

Dr. Rohani is Dental Lecturer of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of ​Malaya. Her areas of expertise are Dental Education and Special Care Dentistry.

She holds a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DClinDent) in Special Needs Dentistry ​from the University of Melbourne, Australia. She obtained her BDS (Dental ​Surgery) from the Universit of Malaya. She is currently Associate Dean for ​Industry and Community Relations and Programme Coordinator of the ​Department of Children’s Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, UM. ​She has presented and published numerous works on community engagement,

special care dentistry, dental education among others. Her research interest is on Disability Equality ​Training as part of the Special Care Dentistry curriculum (Disability Equality).

Dr. Siti Fauzza Ahmad

Dr Siti Fauzza Ahmad is a senior lecturer in the Restorative Department at ​Universiti Malaya and is currently the head of the Prosthodontics Discipline. She ​obtained her Bachelor's in Dentistry (BDS) in 1998 from the University of ​Malaya, her master’s degree (MSc. (Med. Sci) in Fixed and Removable ​Prosthodontics) in Glasgow, Scotland, and a PhD from Universiti Malaya. She is ​actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and contributes to ​various committees, research groups, and administrative roles.

She is also the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Glasgow examiner for the Restorative ​Specialty Membership Examination (RSME). Her research is related to prosthodontics, dental materials, ​dental education, oral health-related quality of life and reduction of carbon footprint in dentistry. She ​is a member of the IADR (Malaysian Section), Islamic Dental Association of Malaysia (IDAM), Asian ​Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP), and British Society of Prosthodontics (BSSPD). She has published ​and reviewed in some journals. Her commitment to dental education is further evident through ​consultancy projects and invited speaker engagements, showcasing her dedication to advancing the ​field of dentistry. She looks forward to collaborating with other universities.

Associate Professor Dr. Azwatee Abdul Aziz

Associate Professor Dr. Azwatee Abdul Aziz is currently a lecturer in the field of ​Prosthodontics at the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, ​University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She graduated with a Bachelor of Dental ​Surgery (BDS) from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1999. She then ​pursued her Masters in Clinical Dentistry, specializing in Prosthodontics at the ​Eastman Dental Institute, UCL, London, UK, and graduated in 2004. In 2019, ​she received her PhD from the University of Malaya. Recently, she has also ​been elected a Member of the Faculty of Dental Trainers of the Royal College of

Surgeons of Edinburgh. She is heavily involved with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. She ​is currently the Head of Discipline of Operative Dentistry. In addition, she is also the Chairperson of ​the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), University of Malaya. She has ​also served as an examiner for the Restorative Specialty Membership Examinations, Royal College of ​Surgeons, England. Her research interests are mainly in the area of dental education, dental erosion, ​dental materials, and optical coherence tomography. She has supervised many undergraduate and ​postgraduate research work and has reviewed and authored several papers published in both local ​and international journals. She is currently a member of the International Association for Dental ​Research (IADR) and a lifetime member of the Malaysian Association for Prosthodontics (MAP).

Dr. Elmer Jesus T. Escoto

Dr. Elmer is currently the Chairperson of the Basic Dental Health Sciences ​Department of the UP College of Dentistry. For many years, he was the ​Faculty-in-Charge of Oral Surgery. He has a Certificate in Oral and ​Maxillofacial Surgery from the New York University and a Certificate in ​Hospital Dentistry from the UP-PGH. A most sought-after speaker in the field ​of Oral Surgery, he has given hundreds of lectures all over the country.


7:00 AM


Breakfast will be served at 7:30 AM


Opening Ceremony


Lecture 1: “Is SDF the Silver Bullet in Caries Management?”

Dr. Maja Romero


Lecture 2: “Optimal Timing for Orthodontic Treatment to Maximize

Treatment Effects”

Prof. Dr. Zamri Radzi


Lecture 3: “Management of Patients with Special Needs”

Dr. Maryani Mohamed Rohani


Open Forum




Lecture 4: “Occlusion in Removable Prosthodontics”

Dr. Zitti Fauzza Ahmad


Lecture 5: “Comprehensive Tooth Wear Management:

Navigating Strategies for Long-Term Oral Health”

Associate Prof. Azwatee Abdul Aziz


Afternoon Break


Lecture 6: “Medical Emergencies: Controlling Hemorrhage During

Surgical Procedures”

Dr. Elmer Jesus T. Escoto


Open Forum


Closing Remarks

Dr. Jessica K. Rebueno-Santos


Dr. Josievitz U. Tan-Zafra

Dr. Armin G. Segarra

Dr. Elmer Jesus T. Escoto

This joint Scientific Symposium is one of the many collaborative activities under the ​Memorandum of Understanding between the University of the Philippines Manila, College of ​Dentistry and the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Malaya. Several activities are lined ​up under this Memorandum of Understanding which includes faculty and student exchange, ​collaborative research and joint conferences.